Charges Tab

Charges Tab

Sub Total Tax Group Box

[More information may be obtained from Pentagon 2000 Technical Support]

Line Charge Group Box

Fields within this group box allow the labels associated with additional line charges to be changed

[link]Instructions for utilizing Additional Line Charges (link pending)

Misc Charge Group Boxes

Each of the six (6) Misc Charge group boxes are identical but are associated with one of the six (6) miscellaneous charges .

NOTE: Except for the Name field, all flags and radio buttons within the group box represent default values that will be transferred to the Misc Charges tab within the customer or vendor file when new customers and/or vendors are created.

[link]Instructions for utilizing misc charges (link pending)

[link]Instructions for managing Misc Charges tab in the customer File (link pending)

[link]Instructions for managing Misc Charges tab in vendor File (link pending)

[Group Box Title Bar] - identifies the miscellaneous charge for which the settings are applicable

Name - The value in this field will replace the default label for the associated miscellaneous charge

Calculate by group box

Amount radio button - if selected, the miscellaneous charge will be determined by numeric value

% radio button - if selected, the miscellaneous charge will be determined by a percentage

[this field stores a default value] default value(n) a value which is transferred to a particular field within selected documents for the purpose of preventing repeated manual entry of the value into the field and which may always be changed in the document, if required]

Print flag - if marked as checked, the miscellaneous charge will be printed on documents

[this field stores a default value] default value(n) a value which is transferred to a particular field within selected documents for the purpose of preventing repeated manual entry of the value into the field and which may always be changed in the document, if required]

Add to Total flag - if marked as checked, the miscellaneous charge will be added to the total

[this field stores a default value] default value(n) a value which is transferred to a particular field within selected documents for the purpose of preventing repeated manual entry of the value into the field and which may always be changed in the document, if required]

Tax A flag - if marked as checked, Tax A will be applied to the miscellaneous charge

[this field stores a default value] default value(n) a value which is transferred to a particular field within selected documents for the purpose of preventing repeated manual entry of the value into the field and which may always be changed in the document, if required]

[The label for this field may be changed in Administration](link pending)

Tax B flag - if marked as checked, Tax B will be applied to the miscellaneous charge

[this field stores a default value] default value(n) a value which is transferred to a particular field within selected documents for the purpose of preventing repeated manual entry of the value into the field and which may always be changed in the document, if required]

[The label for this field may be changed in Administration](link pending)

Tax C flag - if marked as checked, Tax C will be applied to the miscellaneous charge

[this field stores a default value] default value(n) a value which is transferred to a particular field within selected documents for the purpose of preventing repeated manual entry of the value into the field and which may always be changed in the document, if required]

[The label for this field may be changed in Administration](link pending)





Charges Tab