Part Number Alternates Setup

Row DefinitionsRow Definitions

Alt 1 - (Alternate Part Number 1) alternate part number

Alt 2 - (Alternate Part Number 2)

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Column DefinitionsColumn Definitions

Label - The value in this field will replace the default label for the associated field

Mask - An input mask(n) a string expression that governs the user is allowed to enter into the selected text box; in Pentagon, numbers are identified with '9' and alphanumeric characters are identified with 'a'; certain special characters may also be included [FOR EXAMPLE, the mask for a US ZIP code would be "99999" and the mask for an NSN would be "aaaa-aa-aaa-aaaa"] may be defined for the associated field

User Driven Table - If the Active flag is marked as checked, then the associated field will become table driven(adj) in Pentagon, where acceptable values for a particular field are managed within a table and, in most cases, users may only select values present within that table to populate the field and only allow values present in the table related to the associated field

Table Setup - If the Active flag in the User Driven Table column is marked as checked, then the associated field will become table driven and only allow values present in the table related to the associated field

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Part Number Alternates Setup