Bill To Address Defaults

Bill To Address Defaults

Purpose: To describe the hierarchy of defaults that are utilized to determine the default bill to address(n) the location to which invoices should be delivered when a new document is created.

The default bill to address will follow the following logic:

  1. For Sales Documents:

In all sales documents, you are preparing to bill a customer.

Default Bill To Address in Customer File

The default bill to address will be copied from the address in the Bill To List search window (accessed by left-clicking the Bill button on the related Customer window tool bar) that displays Yes in the Cust Default column to the Ship/Bill tab of the new sales document.


If no default bill to address is setup for the customer:

General tab in Customer File

The default bill to address will be copied from the main address fields on the General tab of the related customer file (link pending) to the Ship/Bill tab of the new sales document.


  1. For Purchasing Documents:

In all purchasing documents, you are preparing to request the vendor send you a bill; therefore, warehouse addresses are used to populate this information..

Company tab in Company Setup

The default bill to address will be copied from the address associated with the warehouse identified in the Bill To field on the Company tab to the Ship/Bill tab of the new purchasing document.





Bill To Address Defaults