BOM Window

BOM Window

Title Bar

The bill of materials window title bar will always display the phrase "BOM For P/N" followed by a colon (:), the part number, and the part number description in brackets [].

Toolbar Buttons

Add - Left-click to add a new component to the BOM

Edit - Left-click to open an information window related to the component that is highlighted in the grid

Del (Delete) - Left-click to delete the component that is highlighted in the grid

Sub List - Left-click to view the BOM of the component that is highlighted in the grid

Higher - Left-click to open a window which displays all the next higher assemblies of which the part number identified in the title bar is a component

PN Sort (Part Number Sort)- Left-click to reorder the grid ascending by part number

Sq Sort (Sequence Sort)- Left-click to reorder the grid ascending by sequence number

Go P/N (Go to Part Number) - Left-click to open the part master record of the component that is highlighted in the grid

Tree - Left-click to open a window which displays an interactive tree of all component (child) relationships subsidiary to the part number identified in the title bar

Lock - Left-click to lock the BOM so that modifications cannot be made

Opt (Options) - Left-click to display the options menu (see Options Menu section below)

Settings - Left-click to save the dimensions and position of the window (or clear those settings and return to default settings)

Excel - Left-click to export the BOM of the part number identified in the title bar to a .csv file

Close - Left-click to close the window

Options Menu

Import Into BOM - Left-click to import a list of part numbers into the bill of materials for the part number identified in the title bar

Grid Column Definitions

Seq (Sequence) - Displays the sequence number associated to the component

Part Number - Displays the part number of the component

Description - Displays the description of the component

Qty (Quantity) - Displays the quantity of the component in the part number identified in the title bar

UM (Unit of Measure) - Displays the unit of measure in which the Qty field is expressed

Cond (Condition) - Displays the preferred condition of the component when part of the part number identified in the title bar

Sub Level - Displays a flag that is marked as checked when a BOM has been created for the component

Rev - Displays the revision number of the component

Module - Displays the next higher assembly for clients who choose not to utilize multi-level bill of material functionality.

Pull - Displays a flag that is marked as checked when the component should be pulled from stock during the maintenance process.

Lock - Displays a flag that is marked as checked when the BOM for the component is locked

Qty in Stock (Quantity in Stock) - Displays the total quantity in stock in all warehouses

Internal Use - Displays the quantity of the component that physically exists in warehouses marked as "Internal Use Only".

In Bound - Displays the quantity of the component that is inbound to the system

Out Bound - Displays the quantity of the component that is outbound to the system

Available from Stock - Displays the quantity in stock using the following formula:

In Stock - Reserved + QA/Inspect

Available to Sell - Displays the quantity available to sell using the following formula:

In Stock + QA/Inspect + Transport

- Open SO/WO - Reserved - Claims - Cores Due (outbound)

+ Open P.O. + Prcss/MFG + OH/Repair + Open RMA + Cores Due (inbound)

Avg Inventory Cost (Average Inventory Cost) - Displays the average inventory cost from the Costs tab of the parts master record for the component

Ext Cost (Extended Cost) - Displays the value from the Avg Inventory Cost field multiplied by the value in the Qty field

Replacement Parts - Displays a flag that is marked as checked when replacement parts have been defined for the component

Added by - Displays the user code of the user who added the component to the BOM

Added on - Displays the date and time that the component was added to the BOM

Updated by - Displays the user code of the user who last updated the component

Updated on - Displays the date and time that the component was last updated




BOM Window