Create Part Numbers

Create Part Numbers

Purpose: To describe the process for creating part numbers utilizing the Part Builder module.

  1. From the Partnumber window (any part number may be displayed), left-click the Opt (Options) button and left-click P. New P/N Builder.

  2. The P/N Builder window will appear.

    1. P/N Template field – Select the appropriate part number template.

      NOTE: The part number identified as “Default” will be selected automatically.  This value may be changed.
    2. Part number block value selection fields – Select the value for each block.  As the block values are selected, the part number, description, and bill of materials will be populated based upon the information associated with each template block value.
    3. P/N field – Displays the part number as it is being built.
    4. Description field – Displays the part description as it is being built.

      NOTE: The description for the part will initially be the concatenation of the block descriptions with commas separating each block description.
    5. Category field – Select the part category to which the part number should be assigned.
    6. Build BOM flag – If the flag is marked as “checked” then the bills of material of each block will be compiled and assigned to the part number being built.
    7. Bill of material grid – The lower section of the P/N Builder window compiles the BOMs of each block.
  3. When the part is built, all information on the P/N Builder window will be completed.  Left-click the Create P/N button on the P/N Builder window toolbar.

  4. The part number will be created and will be displayed in the Partnumber window.  The Description may be changed in “Edit” mode if necessary and all other parts master information for the part number may be added or modified.

  5. The bill of material for the part number will be populated as described.




Create Part Numbers