Quote Worksheet Report

Quote Worksheet Report

Purpose: To navigate to and create a Quote Worksheet Report.

From an existing sales quotation:

  1. Left-click the Print button on the Quotation window tool bar and a menu will appear.

  2. Left-click 4. Quote Worksheet and the Worksheet report setup window(n) in Pentagon, a particular window type that enables filters and sort options specific to the report being created will appear.

    1. Select the appropriate History filters:

    2. Select the appropriate Print Settings filters:

    3. Select the appropriate Inventory Settings filters:

    4. Select the applicable companies within the Companies filters:

  3. Left-click the Preview button at the bottom of the Worksheet report setup window; the report will be created and will appear on the screen.
  4. Left-click the Print button at the bottom of the Worksheet report setup window.

    1. The Print window will appear.

    2. Choose the appropriate printer, configure the print job as required and left-click the Print button to print the report.
  5. Left-click the Settings button at the bottom of the Worksheet report setup window.

    1. The User Settings window will appear.

    2. Adjust settings as required and left-click the OK button on the User Settings window tool bar.
  6. Left-click the Clear button at the bottom of the Worksheet report setup window to clear all filters except those set by default.

  7. Left-click the Cancel button at the bottom of the Worksheet report setup window to close the Worksheet window without creating the report.




Quote Worksheet Report