Exchange Manager - From Stock

Exchange Manager - From Stock

    1. OPTION A
      1. Click on "Operations".
      2. Select Exchange Manager.
      3. Click on "Add".
      4. Double click on the selected Customer.
      5. This will create an Exchange Order (S.O.)
      6. Change Sales Order Type to Exchange Order (S.O.).
      7. Enter Header information and click on "OK" to save.
      8. Add lines to Exchange Order: Click on "Add" for each new line or use the down arrow key on your keyboard to add a new line.

        (Using the TAB key to the end of the line will generate a new line as well)
      9. Choose your exchange line type (14 to19) and select your part number.
      10. Enter all other relevant data pertaining to each line.
      11. Click "OK" to save the Sales Order.
      12. Click on "Print" to print the Sales Order to the Customer.
    2. OPTION B
      1. Click on "Orders".
      2. Click on "Add".
      3. Select the Customer from the list and click on "OK".
      4. Change Sales Order Type to Exchange Order (S.O.).
      5. Enter Header information and click on "OK" to save.
      6. Add lines to Exchange Order: Click on "Add" for each new line or use the down arrow key on your keyboard to add a new line.

        (Using the TAB key to the end of the line will generate a new line as well)
      7. Choose your exchange line type from (14 to19) and select your part number.
      8. Enter all other relevant data pertaining to each line.
      9. Click "OK" to save the Sales Order.
      10. Click on "Print" to print the Sales Order to the Customer.
    1. Type 14 (Stock Exchange) – Exchange a unit from your inventory. Exchange Charge plus Cost of Overhaul (2 additional lines will be created, 09 and 35)
    2. Type 15 (Stock Exchange) – Flat Exchange unit from your inventory where there are no repair charges. Return Core As Is (1 additional line will be created, 09)
    3. Type 16 (Stock Exchange) – Flat Exchange unit from your inventory where there are no repair charges. Return Core in OH/Repair condition (1 additional line will be created, 09)
    4. Type 17 (Brokered Exchange) – Exchange a unit with a vendor to fulfill the customer Exchange Order. Exchange Charge plus Cost of Overhaul (2 additional lines will be created, 09 and 35)
    5. Type 18 (Brokered Exchange) – Flat Exchange a unit with a vendor to fulfill the customer Exchange Order. No repair charges. Return Core As Is (1 additional line will be created, 09)
    6. Type 19 (Brokered Exchange) – Flat Exchange a unit with a vendor to fulfill the customer Exchange Order. Return Core in OH/Repair condition (1 additional line will be created, 09)
    7. Type 09 (Core Exchange Charge) – Used to track the core unit. In invoicing is used for charges only. In the RMA/Claim used to receive/ship the core unit to inventory
    8. Type 35 (Repair Charge Only) – Does not add cost or quantity to or from inventory. This is to charge the customer repair charges after the core is shipped back and repaired.

NOTE: If you selected line types 17, 18 or 19, you need to create an exchange order PO to the vendor using line types 20, 21, 22

    1. OPTION A
      1. Click on "Orders".
      2. Double click on the Exchange Sales Order selected.
      3. Click on "Optn".
      4. Select "Create Pick Ticket".
      5. Select "Select All Open Lines (Quantity back > 0)".
      6. Mark the line items to be shipped.
      7. Click "OK" to save (A pick ticket will be generated).
      8. Click on "Edit".
      9. Click on "Lines".
      10. Double Click on the lines to be shipped. You must also ship the Line Type 09 Core Charge.
      11. Select Warehouse location and enter the quantity to be shipped from this location
      12. Click "OK" to save line.
      13. Click "OK" to save Pick Ticket.
      14. Click on "Upd" and select "Update Stock".
      15.  Click on "Upd" and select "Close Pick Ticket".
      16. Once the Picking Ticket is closed, the system will automatically generate an RMA for the Core Part.

        NOTE: If parts are serialized, you must enter a serial Number for each part
    2. OPTION B
      1. Click on "Pick & Ship".
      2. Click on "Add" and click on the 3-dots (next to S.O. No).
      3. Select the Exchange S.O. from the list and click "OK" to save.
      4. Mark the line items to be shipped.
      5. Click "OK" to save (A pick ticket will be generated).
      6. Click on "Edit".
      7. Click on "Lines".
      8. Double Click on the lines to be shipped.
      9. You must also ship the Line Type 09 Core Charge.
      10. Select Warehouse location and enter the quantity to be shipped from this location
      11. Click "OK" to save line.
      12. Click "OK" to save Pick Ticket.
      13. Click on "Upd" and select "Update Stock".
      14. Click on "Upd" and select "Close Pick Ticket".
      15. Once the Picking Ticket is closed, the system will automatically generate an RMA for the Core Part.

        NOTE: If parts are serialized, you must enter a serial Number for each part
    1. Click on "Pick & Ship".
    2. Double click on the Picking Ticket selected.
    3. Click on "Print"
    4. Click on the "Print Picking Ticket" or "Packing Slip" menu option.
    5. "Preview" the Form before printing.
    1. OPTION A
      1. Click on "Pick & Ship".
      2. Double click on the selected Picking Ticket.
      3. Click on the "Upd" button and "Create Invoice".
      4. Enter any additional charges for Freight, etc.
      5. Click "OK" to save Invoice
      6. Click "Aprv" to approve invoice for Accounts Receivable.
    2. OPTION B
      1. Click on "Invoice".
      2. Click on "Add" and select SO Invoice.
      3. Double click on the Customer from the list
      4. Mark the Pick Ticket you want to invoice.
      5. Click "OK" to create Invoice.
      6. Enter any additional charges for Freight, etc.
      7. Click "OK" to save Invoice
      8. Click "Aprv" to approve invoice for Accounts Receivable.
    1. Click on "Invoices"
    2. Double click on the selected Sales Invoice.
    3. Click on "Print" (printing will automatically put the Invoice in A/R).
    4. "Preview" the Form before printing.
    1. Click on "RMA".
    2. Double click on the Core Receiving Document converted from the Pick Ticket.
    3. Go to "Lines".
    4. Click on "Edit".
    5. Double click on the core line to receive quantity into stock.
    6. Enter W/H number, Bin Location and any trace information required.
    7. Click "OK" twice to save Core Document
    8. Click on "Upd" and select "Update Stock"
    9. Click on "Upd" and select "Close RMA"
    10. Click on "Arpv" – this will put the credit in A/R.

      NOTE: If parts are serialized, you must enter a serial Number for each part.
    1. Click on "Print".
    2. Click on the "Print RMA" or "Print Credit Memo" (once RMA is approved)
    3. "Preview" the Form before printing
    1. Click on "Financials".
    2. Click on the "Accounts Receivable".
    3. Double click on "Customer Credit"
    4. Double click on "List/Apply/Pay Customer Credit".
    5. Select your RMA from the Credits list.
    6. Click on "Apply".
    7. Click on "Edit" in the Credit Apply window.
    8. Click on "Apply".
    9. Select the Sales Invoice converted from the Exchange Sales Order & Pick Ticket.
    10. Click "OK" twice to save the Credit Apply.
    11. Click on "Optn" and select Close.
    12. Then Close the Credit Apply window.




Exchange Manager - From Stock