Add Labor to MNT Card

Add Labor to MNT Card

Purpose: To add a labor record to an in house card on an aircraft maintenance work order.

NOTE: This process is identical when the card is in edit mode and when it is not.

  1. Initiate the addition of the labor record:

    NOTE: There are two (2) methods for initiating the addition of a labor record:
    1. From the Costs Applied tab of the card, left-click the Add button.
    2. From the Costs tab of the MNT work order, left-click the Add button.
      1. The Maintenance Card search window will appear.

      2. The card to which the labor should be added may be selected by double-clicking the applicable record or by highlighting the applicable record and left-clicking the OK button.
  1. The [New] Costs window will appear.

    1. The Seq No field in the header will be populated with the next consecutive whole number beginning with 1.0000 but may be modified as necessary.
    2. The Description field in the header will be populated with the card description.
    3. The Cost Code field on the General tab will be populated with the default value identified on the Acct tab of the MNT work order but may be modified as necessary.
    4. The Employee field on the General tab will be populated by the user code of the user logged into the particular instance of Pentagon 2000 but may be modified as necessary.
    5. Left-click the Time/Hours tab.

    6. Many of the fields will be populated automatically but may be modified as necessary; adjust the regular hours, billable regular hours, and overtime hours as necessary.

      NOTE: "Regular hours" refers to the number of hours the employee actually performed work allocated to the card; "billable regular hours" are the number of hours which are billable to the customer.
      NOTE: The number of hours is automatically calculated after entering the start date/time and end date/time in each group box and includes deductions for the breaks listed in the Breaks group box.
    7. Left-click the Costs & Charges tab.

      1. The Cost field in the Regular Charge per Hour group box will be automatically populated based upon regular hourly cost logic in the system but may be modified as required.
      2. The Charge field in the Regular Charge per Hour group box will be automatically populated based upon regular hourly charge logic in the system but may be modified as required.
      3. The Cost field in the Overtime Charge per Hour group box will be automatically populated based upon overtime hourly cost logic in the system but may be modified as required.
      4. The Charge field in the Overtime Charge per Hour group box will be automatically populated based upon overtime hourly charge logic in the system but may be modified as required.
    8. Left-click the OK button on the [New] Costs window tool bar.
    9. Left-click the Close button on the [New] Costs window tool bar.
  2. The labor record will be added to the grid on the Costs Applied tab of the card.




Add Labor to MNT Card