MNT Parts Tab

MNT Parts Tab

Purpose: To define the elements displayed on the Parts tab of the Maintenance XL Work Order window.

NOTE: The label on the Parts tab will include the code in brackets [] related to the currency in which information is expressed on the tab.

Tab Tool Bar

Located across the upper portion of the tab.


Located in the middle portion of the tab, just below the tab tool bar.

  1. Displays a row for each part associated with the MNT work order.
  2. Column Grouping - Column headers may be dragged into the area just above the grid column headers in order to group results by that column (or set of columns).
  3. Column Headers - Identifies the field to which the values below that header belong. Left-clicking a column header will result in the grid being sorted by that column in ascending order. Left-clicking a second time on the same column header will sort the grid by that column in descending order.
  4. Filters - A filter icon will appear on the right side of each column header when the mouse pointer is hovered over the column header. Left-click to expand a filter menu which will allow the user to filter results based upon the particular column.

    NOTE: If a column is filtered, a grey filter icon will appear in the right portion of the column header.
  5. The width of each column may be adjusted as necessary.
  6. The column order may be adjusted by dragging the column header to another position within the grid. If a column header is selected (by depressing the left button of the mouse) then the mouse hovered over the other column headers, a set of green arrows will appear identifying where the column will be repositioned when the mouse button is released.

Part Detail Tabs Group Box

Located at the bottom of the tab, just below the grid.

NOTE: As part lines are selected in the grid, applicable information displayed on the part detail tabs.




MNT Parts Tab