Tax List

Tax List

Purpose: The values within this list are used to identify taxes that may be applied to invoices to customers or from vendors.


This table may be accessed utilizing multiple methods:

  1. From the main menu screen:
    1. Left-click the Admin button; the Administration Menu window will appear.
    2. Left-click Documents Tables List By Code; the selection will expand.
    3. Double-click Tax List; the Tax List search window will appear.
  2. From the ribbon:
    1. Left-click Administration.
    2. Left-click the Documents By Code button.
    3. Left-click Tax List; the Tax List search window will appear.
  3. From the shortcut menu:
    1. Left-click Administration.
    2. Go to Documents Tables List By Code.
    3. Left-click Tax List; the Tax List search window will appear.

Search Window

NOTE: For detailed information on the search window [link].For detailed information on the search window [link].

To add a record to the table, left-click the Add button; the Insert Tax window will appear.

Field Definitions

  1. Code field - Enter a unique code for the tax value.
  2. Name field - Enter a description of the tax value; this description will populate selected fields within the user interface.
  3. Description field - Enter a description of the tax value ; this description will appear on sales invoices and pick tickets if the Print Tax Description on Sales Invoice and Pick Ticket flag in this window is marked as checked .
  4. [%] (percentage) field - Enter the percentage associated with the tax code.
  5. Spec 2000 field - (to be verified)
  6. VAT GL Code button - (to be verified)
  7. Print Tax Description on Sales Invoice and Pick Ticket flag - If this flag is marked as checked , the value of the Description field will be printed on sales invoices and pick tickets.
  8. Memo field [large field (not labeled) at the bottom of the window)] - Enter any notes relevant to the selected tax.


To edit a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Edit button.

To delete a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Delete button.




Tax List