Category List

Category List

Purpose: The values within this list are used to categorize parts master records. Each part master record may be associated with one or more categories.


This table may be accessed utilizing multiple methods:

  1. From the main menu screen:
    1. Left-click the Admin button; the Administration Menu window will appear.
    2. Left-click Stock Tables List By Code; the selection will expand.
    3. Double-click Inventory Category; the Inventory Category List search window will appear.
  2. From the ribbon:
    1. Left-click Administration.
    2. Left-click the Stock By Code button.
    3. Left-click Inventory Category; the Inventory Category List search window will appear.
  3. From the shortcut menu:
    1. Left-click Administration.
    2. Go to Stock Tables List By Code.
    3. Left-click Inventory Category; the Inventory Category List search window will appear.

Search Window

NOTE: For detailed information on the search window [link].For detailed information on the search window [link].

To add a record to the table, left-click the Add button; the Insert Inventory Category window will appear.

Field Definitions

  1. Category field - Enter a unique code for the category value.
  2. Name field - Enter a description of the category.
  3. Responsible Buyer - (to be verified)
  4. Additional Responsibilities button - (to be verified)
  5. Schedule B field - (to be verified)


To edit a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Edit button.

To delete a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Delete button.




Category List