Unit of Measure List

Unit of Measure List

Purpose: This menu option provides access to an administrative table which maintains a list of units of measure. A unit of measure is required for use in almost every document within the system. An individual unit of measure is used to describe a standard quantity of a physical property. This table also contains a field which stores the unit of measure Factor, which allows units of measure to be converted from one to another.



This table may be accessed utilizing multiple methods:

  1. From the main menu screen:
    1. Left-click the Admin button; the Administration Menu window will appear.
    2. Left-click Stock Tables List By Code; the selection will expand.
    3. Double-click Unit Measure (UM); the UM List search window will appear.
  2. From the ribbon:
    1. Left-click Administration.
    2. Left-click the Stock By Code button.
    3. Left-click Unit Measure (UM); the UM List search window will appear.
  3. From the shortcut menu:
    1. Left-click Administration.
    2. Go to Stock Tables List By Code.
    3. Left-click Unit Measure (UM); the UM List search window will appear.

Search Window

NOTE: For detailed information on the search window [link].For detailed information on the search window [link].

To add a record to the table, left-click the Add button; the Insert UM window will appear.

Field Definitions

  1. Code field - Enter a unique code for the unit of measure value.
  2. Name field - Enter a description of the unit of measure value.
  3. Factor field - This field stores a value which allows the system to convert one unit of measure to another.

    - The unit of measure EA has a factor of 1
    - The unit of measure HD has a factor of 100
    - Your organization stocks part number ABC by EA (because that is the unit of measure in which the item is most usually used and sold)
    - Your vendor only sells part number ABC by HD
    - When the lot is received into the warehouse, the system converts the price from the receiver based upon the unit of measure HD to a cost within the warehouse based upon the unit of measure EA
    - the ratio of HD to EA is 100:1; therefore, the system divides the price per HD by 100 to result in the cost per EA
    - if the part was purchased by EA but stocked in HD, then the ratio would be 1:100 and the system would multiply the price per EA to result in the cost per HD

    NOTE: The system utilizes this factor for pricing purposes only. The unit of measure conversion factors for quantity are maintained with the Unit of Measure Conversion Table within the part master record.
  4. Spec 2000 field - (to be verified)
  5. Memo field [large field (not labeled) at the bottom of the window)] - Enter any notes relevant to the selected class.


To edit a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Edit button.

To delete a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Delete button.




Unit of Measure List