Unit of Measure Conversion Table

Unit of Measure Conversion Table

Purpose: The records within this table are used to buy or sell part numbers in units of measure that are not the stock unit of measure .

Purpose: This menu option provides access to an administrative table which maintains a list of units of measure specific to the particular part number. A unit of measure is required for use in almost every document within the system. An individual unit of measure is used to describe a standard quantity of a physical property. This table also contains a field which stores the unit of measure Factor, which allows units of measure to be converted from one to another.

NOTE: Unit of measure conversions cannot be created for part numbers identified as serialized(adj) in Pentagon, the attribute of a part number in which each unit is assigned a unique designator, usually an alphanumeric string of characters, to distinguish a particular unit from all others.


This table is accessed from the part master record window toolbar:

  1. Left-click the Opt (Option) button

  2. Left-click B. Qty UM Conversion; the Stock UM List search window will appear

Search Window

NOTE: For detailed information on the search window [link].For detailed information on the search window [link].

To add a record to the table, left-click the Add button; the Insert Stock UM window will appear

Field Definitions

  1. From UM field - Select the unit of measure for the unit of measure conversion record from the unit of measure(n) a standard quantity of a physical property list.
    NOTE: The unit of measure to/from which the stock unit of measure is converted must be present in the unit of measure list.
    Instructions for managing the UM List.
  2. Factor field - Enter the factor by which the stock unit of measure must be multiplied in order to convert to the selected unit of measure.

    - The stock unit of measure for the selected part is "EA" and the selected unit of measure for the new unit of measure conversion record is "CS" (or "case"); the factor in this example might be '12'.
    - If the selected part number is received in terms of "CS", then the quantity in the warehouse would increase by 12 EA for every 1 CS that is received.  The cost of the 1 CS would be divided equally into the 12 EA units in the warehouse.
  3. Min Qty field - (to be verified)
  4. Min Sell field - (to be verified)
  5. Max Sell field - (to be verified)


To edit a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Edit button.

To delete a record, left-click the record to select it and left-click the Delete button.




Unit of Measure Conversion Table